Research Innovation Technology Solution (RiTECHS) is an emerging foothold to make up industry professionals, academics, engineers, and students from the affiliated institutes in order to transpose information and ideas on electrical, computer, and communication engineering. The main concern of RiTECHS is to collaborate in research innovation on related subject matters. Especially in the case of students, they have no coherent idea about research and do not understand the importance of research. That being the case, many students lose the motivation to pursue higher studies after completing their degree, they do not even publish their research and having unease of research papers and co-opt journals.
We trigger the opportunity of building up knowledge and broadening the skills through collaborating with the scholars.
We will become a platform for potential technologists who are committed to contributing to the progress of humanity through technology.
Core Values
- Assurance: Assuring the credible source of information, technical discussions, and collaborations.
- Boosting: Tending the research as a primary interest for students, engineers, scientists, and technologists for any level of the professions and ensuring an avenue of students to uphold the profession.
- Service for the Community: Enhancing the research in science, technology, and engineering for social welfare; plugging the public awareness and passion about the research in the technical profession.
- Reliability: Endorsing a professional spirit in which researchers and scientists pursue to be acknowledged for their righteous behavior and voluntary attitudes.
- Promote global innovation by encouraging broad cooperation and information exchange.
- Increase public awareness on research, innovation and technology while working toward standards for practical use.
- Serve as a dependable source of educational services and resources to assist individuals in learning for life.
- Provide chances for career and professional growth.
- Create communities that promote technological interests, educate public policy, and broaden knowledge for the good of mankind in order to inspire a worldwide audience.